Compare the specifications of IBI Free, IBI 10, IBI Start, IBI Go and IBI Pro, powered by Here ™ routing technology.

You can buy a one month license, with no automatic renewal. Or you can apply for a monthly subscription.
Note: prices are inclusive of 21% VAT. Please use the webshop if you have a VAT number.


€199 / month

€749 / month

€1499 / month

€2499 / month

 For Apple IOS, Android and Windows
For Apple IOS, Android and Windows
 Number of route calculations per day
Number of route calculations per day10
 Addresses for route by bicycle/car
Addresses for route by bicycle/car10 / 10 / 1045 / 45110 / 110110 / 200
 Number of stops for delivery route by truck
Number of stops for delivery route by truck200
 Stops for optimal route with real time traffic information
Stops for optimal route with real time traffic information45100
 Calculate fastest/shortest route
Calculate fastest/shortest route/ –/ –///
 Automatic route recalculation (setting)
Automatic route recalculation (setting)
 Fixed starting point instead of GPS location (setting) 
Fixed starting point instead of GPS location (setting) 
 Fixed end point (setting)
Fixed end point (setting)
 Display total travelling time and distance
Display total travelling time and distance
 Set a departure time
Set a departure time
 Delivery timeframes per address
Delivery timeframes per address
 Extra waiting time per stop
Extra waiting time per stop
 Navigate with your favourite navigation app
Navigate with your favourite navigation app
 Send a list of addresses to IBI
Send a list of addresses to IBI
 Map with overview of drop off points
Map with overview of drop off points
 Delivery report with time, location, remarks
Delivery report with time, location, remarks
 Automatic notification after each delivery with the trace function
Automatic notification after each delivery with the trace function
 Save address lists
Save address lists
 Link IBI to your own system / scan barcodes (contact us)
Link IBI to your own system / scan barcodes (contact us)
 Send an SMS with IBI
Send an SMS with IBI
 Finish and navigate to the next address with one button
Finish and navigate to the next address with one button

For IBI Go and IBI Pro, you can find your unique IBI mailaddress to send your list of addresses to.
The mailadres can be found in the menu option Receive. You first need to install the IBI Go license.
Contact us to activate IBI Go with Transfer for you.

We continuously work on improving IBI. Check our update history for the latest release.
Specifications can be changed without prior notice.

Download IBI in the Google Play or IOS App store.
Download IBI app via App Store Download IBI app via Google Play  Download IBI app via the Microsoft Store